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Readying Your Winter Lawn and Sod for the Spring Thaw

Admin • December 17, 2019
Lawn Grass — South Seaville, NJ — Novasack Turf Farm

Sometimes there's no choice but to lay sod in the winter while lawns lie dormant. Dormancy occurs in the winter cold when your lawn's grass turns brown and there's no need to mow.

Just as humans need sleep to rest and repair their bodies, winter lawns must conserve energy, water and nutrients during the long sleep of winter until it wakes to the spring thaw. The same holds true with sod.

If you lay dormant sod during the winter, be proactive to the challenges that could keep your it from establishing itself in your yard. This includes readying your soil by tilling in plenty of fertilizer, removing debris, and watering but not soaking it.

If you choose to keep your sod in the shed until spring, you will have to baby it a bit to make sure that it doesn't dry out and that the roots don't wither and die.

Preparing Lawn Soil

It's imperative to test your soil pH and fertilize it well, adding nutrients such as lime ash, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium. Till your soil about 4 to 6 inches down so that you can remove embedded debris. Remove rocks, weeds, and dead leaves.

Removing debris helps level your soil. This is important as you want your sod to lay tightly against it so that it evenly roots. Sodding uneven surfaces causes "hills" in your lawn. You will want a good soil foundation established so that your sod can root well.

Watering Your Sod

Don't saturate your soil with water before you lay the sod. Once you lay your sod, you want to keep the top couple of inches of your sod moist. Watering it too much encourages root breakdown.

Root breakdown means that your sod's roots aren't getting enough oxygen. They will weaken and they will rot.

Winter snow adds water, but you might have to supplement up to a quarter-inch of water each week, especially through the crucial first couple of weeks after installation.

Laying Your Sod

Spring is the optimum time to unroll your stored sod onto your yard. But if you have a compelling reason not to wait for the spring thaw, you will have to take special precautions so that your sod establishes its new root system into your soil.

This can get challenging as East Coast winters can change gears unexpectedly.

Coastal winters don't always freeze lawns so rock-hard that you can't get a hoe to scratch the surface. Sometimes you get extended warm-ups that trick your lawn into thinking that springtime is around the corner.

If this happens and you have decided that the risk-benefit ratio plays in your favor and have already fertilized and prepared your soil, then transplant the sod. Remember that you will need to pull those sod seams extra tight so to ensure that water is evenly distributed. Water soon after installation to help your sod adapt.

Again, do not overwater newly planted sod. It will take your sod a week or two to root itself to your lawn's prepared soil, so be diligent.

Final Considerations

If you are still unsure when and if to lay your sod during the winter months, consider that you will have to measure, order, prepare, install and water your sod according to the specific specifications of the turfgrass you choose.

Plan accordingly as coastal winters can hit lawn schedules hard.

Contact the turf specialists at Novasack Turf Farm to learn more. Whether you manually sod a small area of your lawn or use a sod machine to re-sod an entire estate, rest assured that your sod will take with the proper prep work. A beautiful lawn can be yours no matter what the season.

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